Decide which team you are going to join, 15 students max per team, with different schedules.
You will be the one making the submission on behalf of your team. Only one submission from you is necessary for your team

Team Roles Allocation

8 students are required
Product and team integration, must be chosen from the Design Engineers
Managing budget & code of ethics, recommend to be chosen from the Fabrication Engineers
Maintaining workspace
Interface to the librarian, must be chosen from the feasibility engineer
Team project site management
Product and team safety
Facilitate teamwork excellence
Capture the team’s learning experience, and prepare the final presentation

Task Force [A]pple on Splitting Machine Design

7 students are required
Translate need to design solutions
Translate need to design solutions
Analyze design towards production
Analyze design towards production
Balance between machining and cost
In charge of assembling the machine
Create process to verify product specs

Task Force [B]anana on Speedy Picker Design

6 students are required
Translate need to design solutions
Translate need to design solutions
Analyze design towards production
Balance between machining and cost
In charge of assembling the machine
Create process to verify product specs

Task Force [C]herry on Dex Picker Design

7 students are required
Translate need to design solutions
Translate need to design solutions
Analyze design towards production
Analyze design towards production
Balance between machining and cost
In charge of assembling the machine
Create process to verify product specs
if any