The Testing & Optimization Report is a standalone, formal documentation of the machine design project that presents the detailed testing setup, procedure, and result of the machined assembled against the engineering specifications, with included reflections on potential optimizations that can be done to further improve the machine based on the machine need within the task force and the project theme within the team, preparing for the final presentation of the alpha prototype.
- A template is provided here, which should cover the sections explained the guidelines.
- Refer to your Feishu shared folder to edit the password-protected version, accessible only by all members of your team.
- The link to submission is here.
- The deadline for submission is on Saturday noon on Week 13.
- The review will be released the week after.
The Test Engineer is mainly in charge of the submission of the Testing & Optimization Report on behalf of the task force, but all members of the task force shall be involved or consulted while preparing the report, and it is the Test Engineer’s job to properly allocate any necessary sub-tasks to the rest of the task force towards a working report submission.
It should be noted that the test engineer is the one that tells the truth, both to the design team and also to the clients making the design request, about the machine’s actual performance. And in order to do so, the test engineer should think of himself or herself as an “independent” third-party of the team to design and develop the necessary test equipment and method that can be used to effectively measure the performance of the machine against the metrics in the Design Need Report. Furthermore, the test engineer should also consider the actual scenarios given the alpha prototype and give suggestions on potential ways to improve the design. The test engineer should be the one working closely with all members of the task force from the very beginning of the design cycle with the Design Engineer of the task force as well as the System Integrator of the team to make sure that the chosen design meets the engineering need of the system.
A template is provided in your task force’s shared Feishu folder as a Feishu Doc, which can be simultaneously edited by all members on the browser as a collaborative effort. Don’t worry about making changes to the document, as you can access historical versions of the final while preparing it.
- General:
- Report Name: Testing & Optimization Report by [Red/Green/Blue/Yellow] [Apple/Banana/Cherry] on [Machine Type]
- Submitted by: @ Test Engineer
- Reviewed by: @ Design Engineer @ Feasibility Engineer @ Fabrication Engineer @ Assembly Engineer
- Date & Version: YY-MM-DD-V1.0
- [Proper use of document style is highly recommended to stay the file organized.]
- [Use the build-in Print function of Feishu Doc to save it as PDFs before making the submission.]
- Report Overview
- Briefly elaborate on the testing of this machine within the task force and within the team project, against the engineering specifications.
- Briefly explain how you understand the testing & optimization analysis and your method of analysis [How did you do it?]
- Briefly summarize the key outcomes of this report [what you have achieved in this report?]
- Testing Analysis
- Describe in detail your setup, procedure, and results of the machine testing.
- Discuss the test results against the engineering specifications, and answer whether your task force has built a working prototype.
- Describe the difficulties you’ve encountered while conducting the test analysis and how you solved them.
- Does your task force successfully designed and built a machine matching the engineering specifications?
- Optimization Recommendations
- Does the machine your task force has designed and built meet the need of the wasteless system? Describe in detail if not.
- Provide constructive recommendations to your task force and also your team on ways to optimize the machine.
- Any of the recommendations actionable before the final presentations?
- Any of the recommendations not actionable before the presentation, but would be great if done properly. What else you might need to execute them?